Allow for a moment your mind to entertain the thought of “little you” flying above the stars, staring down at the infinite universe, the limitless possibilities, the undying dreams and unwavering resolutions of the human heart. Permit your mind to visualize the virtues of high ideals and the greatness of the quest for heroism. If even in a split second you can hold that thought of eternity and a rewarding father, then dare to dream that one day you will live the dream of eternal youth and beauty, the dream of flowers that never wither, of a sunshine that doesn’t scourge, of a tomorrow that never dies.

Our hearts are weary, our fears are many and our deepest convictions live only in the shadows. Our parents stay up at night wondering what we will eat in the morning, terrified that the jiggers that ate our brothers feet will feast on ours too. They fear that the certificate we bring home will remain a monument in the shelf, they fear that my elder brother overseas will never return. Our hearts are weary and our fears are many.

But, and this is the most consoling ‘but,’ what if you knew a place where you could be alone and see the world as it really is. What if you could see the possibilities of cleaner and renewable energy? What if you could see that truly for every scoundrel there is a hero that for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader and that for every enemy there is a friend? Can you my friend, imagine a world where boys wait to become men, where worn out tools still get the job done, where the will of men will not be bended even by the gravest injustices. Can you see that world in which God Himself is sun?

I can! And yes, oh yes, you can too! If we dare to dream then we will see that this world was created to be fairer than day and we are the proud inhabitants of this blossoming garden. If at fifty we can still grow, then we are not too late to dream. Dare to dream and you will wake up to find it a reality.

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